Car Insurance Repairs in Gwent
Motaspray respray and repair cars in Blaenau Gwent for all the major insurance companies. It is your choice where you have your car repaired - not the insurance companies! - so why not have your vehicle repaired to the highest of standards at a convenient & local car repair company in Blaenau Gwent.
The benefits of using Motaspray in Blaenau Gwent:
- Full Glassmatics estimating system for insurance companies
- Free estimates - we deal direct with your insurance company. All we need is the companies Claim No & Fax No
- In most cases we can `Lose your excess` or provide some additional work free
- Free courtesy car while yours is being repaired
Why not call Motaspray - your local car repair company in Blaenau Gwent - on 01495 290 900 for FREE no obligation advice.
We are open: Mon-Fri 8.15am-5.00pm